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Pros and Cons of Hiring a Marketing Agency vs. A Full-Time Employee

When running a business, it’s important to make sure you have the right people in place to market your product or service. But how do you decide whether to hire a full-time employee or an external marketing agency? Let’s look at the pros and cons of each option.

Hiring a Full-Time Employee

The main benefit of hiring an employee is that they will become part of your team, so they will understand your brand and product better than an outsourced agency. Additionally, having an in-house employee can help foster collaboration between departments, since they are more likely to be aware of the company’s day-to-day operations.


On the downside, hiring full-time employees can be costly and time-consuming as you will have to pay them a salary and provide benefits. Additionally, if their skillset is limited, you may find yourself with fewer options when it comes to marketing strategies than if you were working with an agency.

Hiring an External Marketing Agency

The biggest advantage of working with an external agency is that you get access to their expertise and experience in digital marketing tactics such as SEO, content creation, social media management, etc. You also don't need to worry about payroll or providing benefits for these contractors—they are paid for their services on a project basis. Furthermore, working with an outside agency means that you can tap into different areas of expertise quickly when needed; instead of needing to find someone who has all the skills necessary for the job, you can simply outsource different tasks as needed.  The downside here is that there may be less direct control over what the agency does because they are not part of your team—you may not always be aware of what exactly they are doing on your behalf.

When choosing between hiring a full-time employee versus outsourcing work to a marketing agency there are pros and cons for both options. It is important to consider how much control you need over the project before making any decisions as well as taking into account cost considerations and potential time frame constraints. Ultimately though, depending on your business needs either option could prove beneficial but it's best to weigh up both sides carefully before committing one way or another!


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Post by Common Core Marketing
Feb 10, 2023 12:00:00 AM
