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The Importance of Email Marketing at the End of the Calendar Year

As the end of the calendar year approaches, now is the time to start thinking about your email marketing strategy. There are a number of reasons why email marketing is so important during this time of year. First and foremost, people are generally more receptive to marketing messages during the holidays. They're also more likely to have some extra time on their hands to read through your emails. Finally, email is an excellent way to stay top of mind with your customers and clients as they make their holiday shopping decisions.

The holidays are a crucial time for businesses of all sizes. If you're not taking advantage of email marketing to reach your target audience, you're missing out on a huge opportunity. Here are three reasons why email marketing is so important during the end of the calendar year:

1. People Are Generally More Receptive to Marketing Messages During the Holidays

During the holidays, people are generally in a better mood and more receptive to marketing messages. This is because they're focused on spending time with family and friends, and they're in a giving mood. As a result, they're more likely to pay attention to your emails and even act on them. So if you have something special to promote—like a holiday sale or a new product—now is the perfect time to do it via email.

2. People Have More Time on Their Hands During the Holidays

During the holidays, people often have more free time on their hands than usual. This makes it the perfect time to reach out via email and provide them with valuable content that they can read at their leisure. For example, you could send them an eBook or white paper that provides valuable information related to your industry. Or you could provide them with a coupon code that they can use when making their holiday purchases. Either way, you'll be providing them with something of value that will help keep your business top of mind.

3. Email Is an Excellent Way to Stay Top of Mind With Your Customers and Clients

Finally, email is an excellent way to stay top of mind with your customers and clients during the holidays. This is because people are constantly checking their inboxes for holiday deals and promotions. So if you want them to think of your business when they're making their holiday purchases, make sure you're staying in touch via email. You could even send them a personal message wishing them a happy holiday season—something that will definitely help you stand out from all the other businesses bombarding them with emails this time of year.

The bottom line is this: if you're not using email marketing at the end of the calendar year, you're missing out on a huge opportunity. Now is the time to start planning your strategy so you can take advantage of all the benefits that email marketing has to offer during this critical time period.

Post by Common Core Marketing
Dec 9, 2022 12:00:00 AM
