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What You Need to Know About HubSpot Lifecycle Stages

Understanding the lifecycle stages of your customers is an essential component of any successful marketing strategy. The data-driven insights you gain from understanding who your customers are and where they are in their journey can help you tailor your messaging, optimize campaigns, and measure success. When it comes to monitoring customer journeys, few tools are as powerful as HubSpot’s Lifecycle Stages. Let’s take a look at what these stages mean and how they can help you better understand your customers.


What Are the HubSpot Lifecycle Stages?

There are many HubSpot Lifecycle Stages, these are the main stages: Subscriber, Lead, Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL), Sales Qualified Lead (SQL), and Customer. Each stage corresponds with a different point in the customer journey—from first hearing about your business to becoming an active user of your product or service.


Subscriber – This is anyone who has provided you with their contact information such as an email address or phone number. They may have signed up for a newsletter or left their contact info after downloading an eBook from your site.


Lead – A lead is someone who has taken a more active interest in learning about your company and its offerings. This could include filling out a form on your website or clicking through to multiple pages during one visit on your site.


Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL) – An MQL is someone who indicates that they have a strong interest in learning more about what your business has to offer but may not be ready to purchase yet. An example would be someone who signs up for one of your webinars or downloads multiple pieces of content from you in one day.


Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) – An SQL is someone who has moved beyond just being interested in learning more about what you do and has started indicating that they may be close to making a purchasing decision soon. For instance, this could be someone who reaches out directly via email asking questions about pricing or requesting more information on features and functionality before making a decision on whether or not they want to buy something from you.


Customer – Finally, when someone actually purchases something from you then they become “customers” according to the HubSpot Lifecycle Stages framework. Once someone becomes a customer, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the relationship ends there; rather it means that now you will focus on retention activities like providing support for them so that they are satisfied with their purchase and hopefully return for future purchases as well!  By using the HubSpot Lifecycle Stages framework, businesses can get valuable insights into their customers which can help them make smarter decisions when it comes to optimizing campaigns and targeting messaging based on where the customer is currently at in their journey with the company. Understanding these stages can also help marketers measure success by tracking how many leads move through each stage before eventually converting into paying customers. 


With this data-driven approach, businesses can ensure maximum efficiency when it comes time for crafting campaigns and reaching out to potential buyers! In other words, taking advantage of the HubSpot Lifecycle Stages will ultimately pay off in spades for any business looking to increase conversions while keeping costs low!


If you’re ready to start your HubSpot journey, we can provide you with the tools for success.  If you already have a HubSpot subscription and would like it evaluated, contact us today!

Post by Common Core Marketing
Feb 20, 2023 12:00:00 AM
