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Automating Lifecycle Stages With HubSpot Workflows — Common Core Marketing

Written by Common Core Marketing | Apr 3, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Automating Lifecycle Stages With HubSpot Workflows

Every business knows that it’s important to ensure that your marketing efforts are effective and efficient. Your marketing and sales teams need to work together seamlessly to nurture leads, convert them into customers, and retain them for long-term business growth. However, it can be a daunting task to keep track of each customer’s lifecycle stage and create personalized communication strategies to engage them at the right time. Fortunately, HubSpot offers a solution - Workflows. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what HubSpot Workflows are and how they can help you automate your marketing campaigns.

What Are HubSpot Workflows?

HubSpot Workflows are a powerful tool that lets you automate your marketing campaigns by creating a series of automated actions based on customer behavior. It helps you streamline your marketing process, saves you time, and ensures that you’re delivering the right message to the right person at the right time. HubSpot Workflows can be used for lead generation, lead nurturing, customer retention, and more.

How Do HubSpot Workflows Work?

To get started with HubSpot Workflows, you need to identify the conditions that trigger the automation. For instance, it could be a website visit, form submission, email open, or any other behavior that is significant to your marketing campaign. Once the trigger is activated, the workflow will perform a series of actions that you define. These actions could include sending an email, assigning a task to your sales team, updating a contact property, or even branching off into another workflow.

Examples of HubSpot Workflows:

Here are a few examples of how HubSpot Workflows can be used to automate your marketing campaigns:

Welcome Workflow: This workflow sends a personalized welcome email to new leads as soon as they submit a form on your website. You can also add them to a lead nurturing campaign that sends targeted emails based on their behavior.

Exit-Intent Workflow: This workflow triggers a popup form when a visitor is about to leave your website. This form can offer a discount code or a free resource in exchange for their email address. Once they submit the form, they will be added to a lead nurturing campaign.

Win-Back Workflow: This workflow targets leads or customers who haven’t engaged with your business in a while. You can send them a series of re-engagement emails with offers or incentives to bring them back to your website and become active again.

Here are a few examples of how HubSpot Workflows can be used to automate your sales department:

Automatically Create Deals:  This workflow allows for the sales department to simply change the lead status of a customer from prospect to appointment scheduled and the workflow will automatically create a deal so a quote can be created.  These workflows can run several processes at once so if your sales process has handoffs, or other tasks that need to be assigned when a deal is created, all of that can be automated.

Automatically Change Status:  If you have salespeople calling cold leads this workflow becomes useful in categorizing the lead.  If a salesperson completes a call where the contact no longer wants to be notified, they can mark the status as “Do Not Contact” and the workflow will automatically unsubscribe the lead from future communications, set them as a non-marketing contact, and create a task to be unenrolled from the sequence. 

It’s important to remember that workflow access varies depending on subscription levels.  All features listed are not available on all subscription plans. 

Benefits of Using HubSpot Workflows:

Using HubSpot Workflows to automate your marketing campaigns offers several benefits. Here are a few:

Saves time: Once you create a workflow, it runs automatically, saving you time that you can spend on other important tasks.

Improves efficiency: HubSpot Workflows streamline your marketing process, ensuring that each lead gets the attention they need at each stage of their lifecycle.  HubSpot Workflows also allow your sales team to focus on selling and not on small items allowing for actionable reporting. 

Increases customer engagement: By sending personalized and timely messages to your leads and customers, you can increase their engagement and encourage them to take action.

In conclusion, HubSpot Workflows are a powerful tool that can help you automate your marketing campaigns and improve your business’s efficiency. With HubSpot Workflows, you can create personalized and timely communication strategies that engage your leads and customers at each stage of their lifecycle. By automating your marketing process and saving time, you can focus on other important aspects of your business, such as sales and customer support. If you’re not already using HubSpot Workflows, consider giving it a try and see how it can benefit your business’s marketing efforts. If you’re having trouble implementing HubSpot workflows or you’re unsure of where to start, contact Common Core Marketing. We specialize in HubSpot implementations.