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The Benefits and Drawbacks of Choosing a Marketing Agency Over a Full-Time Employee

When it comes to marketing your business, you have two options: hire a marketing agency or hire a full-time employee. Both options have their benefits and drawbacks, which makes the decision difficult for many business owners. In this post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both hiring a marketing agency and bringing on a full-time employee to manage your marketing efforts.


The Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Agency

One of the biggest benefits of hiring a marketing agency is that you can access an entire team of experts in one fell swoop. Instead of spending time and money recruiting, training, and managing individual employees, you get access to an entire team that has experience in all aspects of digital marketing—from SEO to social media strategy to web design. Additionally, agencies often have access to cutting-edge tools and technology that help them create more effective campaigns than what’s possible with a single employee.


Another benefit is that agencies are typically more cost-effective than hiring an individual employee. Because they don’t require benefits or overhead costs like vacation time or sick days, they can be significantly cheaper than bringing on someone full-time. Plus, because they work with multiple clients at once, agencies can often scale their services up or down as needed without adding additional costs to your budget.


The Downsides of Hiring an Agency

The biggest downside to hiring an agency is that it can be challenging to establish trust with an outside vendor. Without having direct oversight over the agency’s work, it can be difficult to ensure quality control and accountability for results. Additionally, agencies tend to have higher turnover rates than individual employees do so there may be times when you need to reorient yourself with new team members as they come on board or leave the organization.


Benefits of Hiring A Full-Time Employee

The biggest benefit of hiring a full-time employee is that you gain control over their day-to-day activities since you are directly managing them within your own organization. This makes it easier for you to hold them accountable for results and maintain consistent high-quality work throughout their tenure with your company. Additionally, when you bring on someone full-time, there is less risk associated because you don’t need to worry about turnover or dealing with unfamiliar vendors who may not understand your business, as well as someone who works directly within your organization, does.


Downsides Of A Full-Time Employee

The main downside of hiring a full-time employee is that they are much more expensive than working with an agency since they require salary plus benefits such as health insurance and paid time off. Additionally, if the person doesn’t pan out in their role or leaves the company unexpectedly then you will need to spend additional resources on recruitment and training another candidate which could set back progress on any number of projects immensely while also creating added stress for other team members who will need fill in any gaps until the new hire gets up to speed on their responsibilities.

When it comes down to choosing between hiring a marketing agency vs bringing on a full-time employee for your business needs there are definitely pros and cons for each option depending on what type of project needs attention and how quickly it needs to be completed. Ultimately, though, no matter which route you decide upon, make sure you choose someone who understands both your vision for success as well as how important quality control & accountability are. That way, you can rest assured knowing that all objectives will be met every step along the way.


Are you tired of managing your own marketing? Tired of spending countless hours trying to generate leads and measure the success of campaigns? Outsourcing your marketing strategy to Common Core Marketing is a great way to achieve success without having to shoulder the burden of managing it all yourself.  Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Post by Common Core Marketing
Feb 17, 2023 12:00:00 AM
